Adult Training
Scouts BSA recruits adult volunteers to lead youth as they develop into adulthood and training is a very important part of the program. There are many training classes and online sessions available. Safety is a priority in Scouts BSA. This includes everything from Youth Protection to Hazardous Weather Training.
It is important that all adults working with the boys be informed on policies of the BSA and to fully understand the program. For complete information see:
Online Training
- Go to and log in to your existing account, or create a new account
- From the menu, select My Dashboard
- Select the Scouts BSA Tab
- Scroll to the course offerings
- Take the course and print the certificate
- Sent a copy of the certificate to the troop registrar
Training Requirements
Our Troop follows the BSA’s Youth Protection policies and those of the Archdiocese of
Volunteer Adult
- Y01 Youth Protection Training (online or classroom)
Chartered Organization Representative (CR)
- Y01 Youth Protection Training (online or classroom)
- D72 Training the Chartered Org. Rep. (online or classroom)
Scoutmaster (SM)
- Y01 Youth Protection Training (online or classroom)
- S11 Intro to Outdoor Leadership Skills (classroom only)
- S24 Scoutmaster Specific Training (online or classroom)
Assistant Scoutmaster (SA)
- Y01 Youth Protection Training (online or classroom)
- S11 Intro to Outdoor Leadership Skills (classroom only)
- S24 Scoutmaster Specific Training (online or classroom)
Merit Badge Counselor (MBC)
- Y01 Youth Protection Training (online or classroom)
- D76 Merit Badge Counselor Training (online or classroom)
Troop Committee Chairman (CC) or Member (MC)
- Y01 Youth Protection Training (online or classroom)
- WS10 Troop Committee Challenge (online only)
Chartered Organization Representative (COR)
- Y01 Youth Protection Training (online or classroom)
- Chartered Organization Representative Training (classroom only)
High Adventure Leader
- Must be a trained SM/ASM
- Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED
- Wilderness First Aid
- SA Safety Afloat
- WS76 Trek Safely
- WS81 Weather Hazards
Additional Training Requirements
In addition to BSA Training, our chartered organization requires their version of youth protection training. The requirements include:
- Background Check
- Completion of the Kiwanis Youth Protection Training
BSA Training Information & Links
- BSA Adult Training page
- Chief Seattle Council Training page