COVID-19 Update
As Troop 571 and 5749 continue to closely monitor the evolving Coronavirus COVID-19 situation, our number one priority is the safety, health, and well-being of our scouting community.
For now we are not cancelling any Troop related activities. As we have in the past, we will mirror the actions of the school districts in our community. Therefore, if LWSD or ISD elect to close schools we will suspend scouting activities. We will also do so if MQP closes the facility or in response to BSA guidance. However, we reserve the right to independently suspend activities if that is judged to be prudent.
Due to public health concerns this Saturday’s Merit Badge fair at MQP has been cancelled and will be rescheduled at a future date. We encourage scouts who have begun working on Merit badge worksheets to continue their efforts independently until such time as their work can be reviewed by a Merit Badge Counselor. Merit Badge resources including soft copies of books are available on both troop websites.