Dues & Fees
Scouting America (BSA) memberships are paid per year directly to National. Payment for your initial membership is charged when you fill out your application. For subsequent years, you will receive an email from Scouting America two months before your membership expires to renew for another year. We list the current cost of membership as of 8/20/24 below for your information.
Scouting America Fee Schedule | Details | Annual Fee |
Scout Fees | ||
Scouting America (BSA) Registration | Goes to pay for National BSA Actvities | $85 |
Chief Seattle Council Insurance Fee | Pays for secondary insurance for scouting units and events | $30 |
Scout Life (Optional) | Monthly BSA magazine for Scouts | $15 |
Adult Fees | ||
BSA Registration | Required for all registered adults (includes cost of background check) | $65 |
Chief Seattle Council Fee | Pays for secondary insurance for scouting units and events | $30 |
Merit Badge Counselor only | Pays for background check | $25 |
The Troop also collects dues for each calendar year (Jan-Dec) in the previous October. If you are joining during the year, you will be asked to pay a prorated amount to cover the rest of the current year. You also receive a new scout kit when you join, the cost of the kits are also listed here and will be charged with your initial membership.
Troop Dues Schedule | Details | Annual Fee |
Troop Dues | Funds troop costs | $63 |
Troop Dues for Additional Scout(s) | $20 Discount for multiple Scouts in a family | $43 |
New Scout Packet Troop 5749 | Scout Handbook, Handbook Cover, Troop Number, Neckerchief, Slide, Scouts BSA Shoulder Loops, Troop Patch | $79 |
Optional Patches | World Crest Emblem and Council Shoulder Patch | $8 |
If you would like to calculate your exact Troop and Scouting America dues please download the Troop Registration Fees Calculator
Camps and outings may have additional fees to cover costs. Uniforms are not included in these costs. The Troop also participates in the Annual BSA Christmas tree recycling event to generate funds. These funds help support the troop.
If you have questions please email: ContactUs@troop5749.org